8º ano, Inglês

8o Ano – Exercícios – Simple Past tense

  • Identifique se os verbos em destaque são REGULARES ou IRREGULARES: (todos estão no Simple Past)
  1. Count Alessandro Volta discovered electricity made from friction. _____________________
  2. List of things you did not know about Bruno Mars: 1- his real name is Peter Gene Hernandez. _____________________
  3. Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry developed many inventions in the field of electromagnetism. _____________________
  4. On 1969, 600 million people watched the live transmission of the first human landing on the moon. _____________________
  5. Bruno Mars was born in Waikiki, Hawaii. _____________________
  6. Veterans Tom Hanks and Mery Streep lost out to Frances McDormand and Gary Oldman at the Golden Globes 2018. _____________________
  • Reescreva as frases abaixo colocando o verbo regular infinitivo entre parênteses na sua forma do Simple Past tense.
  1. “Mathilda” is a very old movie that was (TO DIRECT) by Danny DeVito. [“Mathilda” é um filme bem velho que foi DIRIGIDO por Danny DeVito.] _________________________________________________________________
  2. This plan (TO END) in failure. [Este plano TERMINOU em fracasso.] _________________________________________________________________
  3. I (TO LOVE) the shirt you gave me! Thank you! [Eu AMEI a camisa que você me deu! Obrigado!] _________________________________________________________________
  4. She (TO CALL) her mother to know how she was doing. [Ela LIGOU para a mãe dela para saber como ela estava.]­­­­­­­­­ _________________________________________________________________
  5. We just (TO ORDER) some Japanese food. Would you like some? [Nós PEDIMOS agorinha comida japonesa. Você vai querer um pouco?] _________________________________________________________________
  6. They (TO REALIZE) they completely forgot about the old fax machine. [Eles PERCEBERAM que eles esqueceram completamente da velha máquina de fax.] _________________________________________________________________

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